Sweet Little Lauren

Sweet Little Lauren
Who can resist that face?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Message from Katie and Dave

This past August, our sweet little Lauren was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. At the time of her diagnosis, her breathing had gotten quite bad, and she was constantly coughing up mucus trying to clear her throat. We felt so helpless. We were so worried about how CF would affect Lauren's life, and hated to think that she wouldn't be able to live a long, active life. Words can't express the relief we experienced when we met with the CF specialist at Primary Children's and learned about the wonderful treatments and medications available thanks to all the research that has been done on this disease. We began the chest therapy and breathing treatments with Lauren right away, and within days, her breathing improved dramatically! It's exciting to think of how much more can be done to give kids with cystic fibrosis a chance to lead a long, healthy life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Katie, My sister Lisa told me about your grandma. I wish you and your family the best in this difficult time. Then I read about your daughter Lauren and her struggles. I've read up on treatments for Cystic Fibrosis and I'm so glad the trements have improved so much over the years! I will do all I can to help including getting the word out to my friends and family about this walk. If I could I'd come out there myself to join in but the distance won't stop me from doing all I can from here. Love, Jenny from Holland